Simplifying Life Through Technology
SoundVision LLC is a lifestyle technology company located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We interview vendors, clients and staff with the purpose of demystifying the capabilties of new technologies for your home or business and sometimes highlighting local content that is important to our community.
Simplifying Life Through Technology
Hunter Douglas: Maren Gehling and Holly Canter
On this episode of “Simplifying Life Through Technology,” Mark and Sue sit down with The Director of Sales in Custom Home & Integration Channels, Maren Gehling and The District Manager for North Carolina, Holly Canter of Hunter Douglas.
Unlock the secrets to energy-efficient living and elevate your home experience with Hunter Douglas automated window treatments. Maren and Holly join us to reveal how Hunter Douglas' innovative automated shades can revolutionize your lifestyle. Discover the impressive benefits of Hunter Douglas shades, including enhanced energy efficiency, privacy, light control, and convenience.
Maren shares her journey from launching their PowerView automation system in 2015 to today's cutting-edge LED innovations, while Holly highlights the significant energy savings and the federal tax credit achievable with Duette Honeycomb Shades. Duette Honeycomb shades are currently available with two special offers: the Summer Savings Sale, which provides a $75 rebate per unit for a minimum purchase of four and a maximum of ten shades, and the opportunity to earn up to $1,200 in federal tax credits.
Learn how Hunter Douglas shades can provide 30% savings on energy bills and offer additional benefits such as UV protection, security, and protection for your furniture and flooring. All Hunter Douglas fabrics are rigorously tested in-house under all conditions before being offered to the public, ensuring top quality and durability.
We also delve into the extensive range of shade options, fabric choices, and general pricing per window, ensuring you have all the information you need to make the right decision for your needs.
Tune in now to discover how Hunter Douglas products can transform your home and enhance your lifestyle! Don't miss this exciting episode packed with valuable insights and special offers.
Plus, get inspired by Hunter Douglas' latest innovation, the Aura Illuminated Shades—a revolutionary three-in-one system that promises improved sleep and stunning room aesthetics with an LED light feature that provides daylight on demand.
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Well with us. Today we have got Maren and Holly from Hunter Douglas. I always love that, andrew. Thank you, Andrew's Michael-ous today. How are you guys doing?
Speaker 2:Doing well. Well, thank you. What are you doing here? Well, I'm here with my friends from Sound Vision, and we're here to talk about Hunter Douglas, our automated window treatments and the various benefits that those provide.
Speaker 1:Super cool. Tell us a little bit about you first, before we get into it.
Speaker 2:So I am the Director of Sales for our custom, home and integration channels. So I work nationally throughout the US and Canada, specifically on the CI channel and how our products connect to technology.
Speaker 1:Wow, did you have that written down? Is that like prepared?
Speaker 2:It's just up here in the head. That was smooth, Very very smooth Holly.
Speaker 1:what about you?
Speaker 3:Hi, I'm Holly, of course, hunter Douglas. I am the local district manager for the North Carolina region. I work in the western part. I cover anywhere from the Charlotte Lake Norman beautiful area over into the western part of the state.
Speaker 1:Very cool, very cool. So tell us about kind of what you do at Hunter Douglas Marin. You already mentioned it before, but about the company itself and specifically about the automated window treatments. Just a high level.
Speaker 2:Sure, yeah. So my background is actually in product management and product development. So I've been with Hunter Douglas a little over a decade specifically working on the automation side of the business, helped launch PowerView in 2015. And then, from there, went and launched a different actual product line that we sell called Sonnet. So I have a lot of experience working with our manufacturing, our fabrication operations and then transitioned into sales during the COVID period. So I feel pretty blessed to have a well-rounded experience as to what the company brings to the table.
Speaker 1:So you guys can't see, but to think that Maren has 10 years of experience at really anything outside of high school is hard to believe, and to think that she hasn't been in sales the whole time, given that voice and delivery, is equally hard to believe. But that's cool, okay, so tell us about.
Speaker 3:Holly, why don't you share with us some of the benefits of automated shades in general? With automated shades, you can accomplish a high level of energy efficiency. That is one thing that is big. With Hunter Douglas, and especially with our Duet honeycomb shade With PowerView options on that, we you are able to qualify for a federal tax income credit.
Speaker 1:Oh, which is wonderful yes, tell us, let's go a little deeper to that. Tell us a little bit about that we are one of the.
Speaker 3:We are probably I think we're the only manufacturer right now that has a product, has our honeycomb product that is approved by the federal government for the federal tax credit. That is our honeycomb shade, what we started with many years ago, around the 1980s I believe, and that has developed over the years and such, and it's our core product. You know, it's just an amazing product with lots of options, lots of fabrics. You're able to, I said with PowerView, especially with an inside mount, you, um, and especially with a inside mount you, you can accomplish, um, a high rate of energy efficiency as far as we see up to about 30 savings annually on energy bills and how do people um the, the tax credit thing?
Speaker 1:uh, how do people the tax credit thing? How do people actually get that? What do they do, gotcha?
Speaker 3:It's so easy you purchase your products, your duet blinds, through your dealer, hopefully SoundVision, and have them installed.
Speaker 1:Thanks for the plug.
Speaker 3:That's right. And then, once they're installed, it's very simple. You give them a copy. They take a copy of their invoice or receipt and they get a statement from our manufacturing, statement from us, you know talking about the product and that it is approved, and they take that to their tax account. They take that to their accountant when they file their taxes.
Speaker 1:Wow that's pretty cool Sounds, very easy.
Speaker 2:Definitely Up to $1,200, I believe Up to $1,200. Is it really?
Speaker 3:Yes, oh okay, very, to twelve hundred dollars, up to twelve hundred dollars, yes, yes, okay, very nice. There's another little thing on top of that, right now that we have our summer savings sales event, so, and which is with duet. So on top of that that, you know, tax, energy tax credit right now, if they purchase a minimum of four and up to ten of our duet, the qualifying fabrics that are power view, they can get seventy five dollars back, a unit rebate and and.
Speaker 1:What is duet for for our listeners?
Speaker 3:duet is our honeycomb shade oh, okay, that's the same.
Speaker 1:Yes, same as the energy efficient.
Speaker 3:I'm sorry do a honeycomb. Um, so actually there's kind there's a double savings right now for the summer, which is you know, that's excellent and I oh, by the I, forgot that Sue is in here with us too.
Speaker 1:Hey Sue, Hello Sue, what give us another, what's another benefit of automated shades? It's like a quiz.
Speaker 4:You don't have to get up and open and close them, you can just use your. What's the?
Speaker 2:pebble.
Speaker 4:Yeah, and the remote on the pebble and just hit the button up and it goes up and it goes down. You can do it halfway, you can do it all the way. You can do top to bottom, bottom to top, and you don't have to go and run around and open all your blinds and close all your blinds manually. Doing it electronically is just automatically, is just so much more efficient.
Speaker 1:You know we find that it's in our world. It's essentially the only thing we sell is an automated window treatment of various types. But, maren, again, there are more benefits to them other than just the automation part of it. Being a guy, I think that's super cool, but what something that a homeowner could benefit on top of the tax savings, on top of the rebates that you know a homeowner could benefit on top of the tax savings on top of the rebates. What other things do the automated window treatments provide for homeowners?
Speaker 2:Typically, I think privacy is one of the first things that comes to mind oh, that's a great point.
Speaker 2:Excellent point, specifically in like bedrooms, bathrooms, right, and especially in an area like this where you also may have a lot of glare coming off of the water if you're lucky enough to live on the lake. You know we also provide UV protection. So, but ultimately, you know, I think privacy is the one that it comes down to on day one, when you're moving into your home or you've just finished a remodel, that's an immediate occupancy need. So privacy is up top. Along those lines, we have security, the UV protection. We obviously want to protect our furnishings, our floorings that we've invested in. And then, lastly, I feel, light control, which is another big area of your business.
Speaker 1:You know window coverings, and automated window coverings in particular, provide that natural light control, you know we had and this is terrible because I don't know the term, so you guys are going to help me the veins that open and close. And this is terrible because I don't know the term, so you guys are going to help me the veins that open and close what product?
Speaker 1:is that Silhouette Silhouette, my favorite? We have silhouettes in our bedroom. We installed your silhouettes in our bedroom and we have three windows and every day at dusk the veins close. We almost never open the blind hole you don't need to, but you don't need to.
Speaker 1:So we almost never open the blind hole. You could, but you don't need to, so it closes, so it's room darkening, which we'll get into in just a second what that means and then, at dawn, the veins open and so now you have the diffuse light. That's coming, it's filtered, if you will. That's coming through. It's awesome, it is so cool. And, and so to mary's point, you're talking about privacy, gives you privacy, light control, gets rid of the glare. It's an incredible product. Uh, we've got it on display here, so you do need to come and see that. That's. That touches everything that you were talking about, holly. What about, um, the different types of fabric options that you guys offer and what they, what the different ones do?
Speaker 3:Depending on, again, we have to you want to take into consideration. Are we looking for privacy? Are we looking for, you know, uv protections? You know the location of the window so they can pick different types of fabrics. You know sheer fabrics are going to give you they're beautiful. They're going to give you, you know, more. They're going to be more of an aesthetic appeal. They look beautiful, there's some UV to them. It's going to be minimal. You're going to have your minimal privacy, minimal UV protection with the sheer, but again, a beautiful product. The aesthetic appeal with that is beautiful.
Speaker 1:When you say the aesthetic appeal of that sheer visual Visual yes. What does it look like?
Speaker 4:I'm thinking like hose, like pantyhose, like panty.
Speaker 3:Yes, okay, you're talking about here yes, what you see through, that's dude here but yeah, sheer is going to be your least amount of privacy. You're not going to get any really any privacy.
Speaker 4:It's more filtering yes, more.
Speaker 3:Just give it filtering the light and some of your uv protection. You know, somewhere maybe a big window where you don't have a house. You know you're looking out into your property, a field, versus a home sitting behind you or other windows.
Speaker 1:Gotcha. Okay, makes sense, makes sense.
Speaker 3:I'm room darkening. This gives you the room. Darkening is.
Speaker 1:We always get we get this question a lot from customers and the two words and I try to correct them, the two words that are used synonymously but are not synonyms are blackout and room darkening. Yeah Right, what is the difference of blackout and room darkening?
Speaker 2:Well, blackout would be a true blackout, no light coming in. So to your point. We try and shy away from that, unless you're installing side channels or track system, which we definitely can provide as well.
Speaker 2:Room darkening would then be specific to the fabric, so you may have what we would call a halo or light coming in around the side. So again, all about understanding. What am I asking for? What do I need to get the best quality of sleep? But we've got fabrics and options in both of those categories, with room darkening being a much larger product option. But again, if you have space for side channels and you need that full blackout, we can make that happen, and that's that's what confuses people too.
Speaker 4:They said well, I thought these were blackout, but I'm still seeing light diffusing, you know, along the edges. I thought this was going to be like in a cave type of blackout. Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:And they don't understand the difference.
Speaker 4:That's why you need to make the differentiation and see and come and see them.
Speaker 2:You know we're in your showroom here where you've got some examples. You can better set those expectations so that you as a customer are happy with the final product.
Speaker 1:We. Normally you can use this anywhere you want, but normally the two most common uses for blackout is a bedroom, where someone really, really wants absolute black, and a lot of times this could be somebody maybe that is susceptible to migraines. So it's not at night, because that's no big deal. I mean, the room darkening is going to be black at night too. There's no light to come around it. But during the day, if they need that room to be ultra dark, then that's where the blackout would come in. The other one is theaters theaters, man caves, media rooms, whatever where you want to literally have light control, um, to to black it out so that the viewing experience or whatnot. So those are the two that are most common in our world. Um, what about? Uh, you guys have patterns and prints, so you have these, these. You got a ton of different styles and options.
Speaker 1:I'm pointing like anybody can see, because we got all these books over here, but people can actually do their own stuff, right? Is that true? No, no, I'm wrong, pardon me. Edit that out, andrew. Why do we have patterns and prints down there?
Speaker 2:We do have patterns and prints down there. We do have patterns and prints. We have a lot of different options in lots of different styles yeah. So we've got thousands of options for your customers to choose from, and then we can make them in Roman shade configurations. So a bit more of a traditional design style, and roller shades as well, which are great for modern and contemporary homes.
Speaker 4:And they've got flowers, geometric prints, all different types. It's just the actual fabric that they use, kind of like going to a fabric store and picking out fabrics, exactly.
Speaker 2:And then we take the hard work out of that by then testing it in our studios to make sure that the fabric is going to perform in the window, in the heat and all of that good stuff.
Speaker 1:Before we move on, uh, you just mentioned, like romans, and go kind of go through the, the different options of, of, um, your shades, shades that you have, that you offer, because there's a bunch of them there is a bunch of them, and I mean that's one of the things that sets hunter douglas apart in terms of being a window covering manufacturer.
Speaker 2:We have, you know, the hard window coverings like shutters, wood blinds, faux wood blinds. We also then have shades, so that would be rollers, roman style, our cellular products that we mentioned and shadings so that's what you talked about that you have in your home mark, the silhouette, so that's going to have a. That you have in your home mark, the silhouette, so that's going to have a sheer fabric, allow you to have view through but maintain that privacy. So we have a variety of shading options as well.
Speaker 1:Super cool and we've got all of I say all, I think all of these on display here, Happy to show you if any of this is confusing or whatnot.
Speaker 4:Let me ask a real quick question. I know a lot of the textured materials and fabrics are important, almost like a woven look. Do you guys offer those as well, because I know that's real popular?
Speaker 2:Yes, that's actually what I'm shopping for for my house right now.
Speaker 3:There, you go.
Speaker 2:We have a product line called Provenance Woven Woods. Yes, it's absolutely beautiful. Those are high texture reeds wovens, almost that woods look very natural, looking very natural, love those. And then we have a product line called illustra woven textures. And those are going to be really high, luxurious textured fabrics as well, not so much the the woven reeds but actually, you know, texture fabric that we source from throughout the world.
Speaker 1:So there's a ton of options and we want to talk about a new one here in a minute. But we want to be real transparent with our customers too, these. This is not necessarily the least expensive thing. If you go to Lowe's and you want to just get a, you know a two inch blind or whatever, that that's going to be less expensive, just on average and you can never say average because every window is different. But on a, a fairly typical window, what is a? What can the customer expect a range to be for? For a window treatment per window?
Speaker 3:that can, as I said, it can vary extremely from product to product um just a high level um, I would probably, if we wanted to start around, maybe a roll of an entry roller on a what a 30 by 60, maybe around $400, probably probably around 400 a window.
Speaker 1:And what would be the?
Speaker 4:high side. Oh wow, You've got some amazing fabrics that go real high.
Speaker 3:We could go into a couple of. I mean you could go to a thousand plus or depending on which, if you get into which line of fabrics and things you get into, Sure, so so it's fair to say maybe like 400 to $1,200 a window is kind of a range, maybe even more, depending on yes, depending on which products Gotcha.
Speaker 4:And people need to keep in mind too. It's an investment. Yeah, you're, like you said, mark, going to go to Lowe's and buy something, just to hold them over.
Speaker 2:This is an investment for your house, exactly, and adding in the automated portion is going to obviously add a surcharge on top of the price of that shade. So we have lots of different bells and whistles, so to speak, that can also jump that cost up, depending on what your needs are in your specific use case depending on what your needs are in your specific use case.
Speaker 1:One of the things I love about your product is that in a lot of cases we use the automated option. In these sort of high impact areas. We use that term a lot. It could be the den, it could be the bedroom, it could be the theater, whatever. But if your bedroom's on the front of the house and you do your bedroom in these in something some kind of fancy blackout shape, but then you go, hey, I don't necessarily need automated on the rest of them, but they have to match, cause when you look from the outside you don't want to look silly Like you got different stuff. So there's there's manual ones, and so in your product line you can kind of mix and match and at and match and at the end user.
Speaker 2:The controllability is really. The only difference Is that. Am I saying that right? Yes, Like, aesthetically it's going to look exactly the same, and so you can absolutely put child safe manual options in secondary spaces, bedrooms, laundry spaces, where you can have a consistent look from the front of the house or from the exterior, but not sacrifice cost in terms of doing automation everywhere but not sacrifice cost in terms of doing automation everywhere.
Speaker 1:Very, very cool, Very cool. So there is a new product that is a pretty wow product. Who wants to take the new product? Oh, Maren's raising her hand. All right, here we go.
Speaker 2:Ndas have been are being burned everywhere. Oh, yes, so luckily, this product is out in the market today. It's called Aura Illuminated Shades and it is the newest and greatest product from Hunter Douglas, and what it is is technically a three-in-one shade. Yeah, so you have a beautiful light filtering or sheer fabric on the front. You have a beautiful light filtering or sheer fabric on the front. You have a room darkening liner for the functionality of blocking out the light, better sleep, and then you also have this innovative illuminating feature so that you can create daylight on demand at the window.
Speaker 1:All right, so we got to unpack this I need to see a demo of this.
Speaker 4:I've seen it.
Speaker 1:I've seen it and it's pretty cool, so let me make sure I got it right. So you have a dual roller shade, so on one way it's waterfalled in one way and so you have this sheer shade that can come down by itself. So, as Holly said earlier, not a lot of privacy, it's just sheer light filtering period. Okay, that's one of them then flowing the other way, so there's two rollers flowing the other way. You've got a room darkening shade that you would have it, say at bedtime or whatever. That would go down and it and it's totally dark, totally you can't see through it. You can have both these down at the same time or you can have either up and down, correct you can't have the room darkening liner down by itself.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, it goes down with the sheer.
Speaker 2:Yep, and that's because we typically find that the choice that the customer is making is on that sheer beautiful fabric that's facing the room. The room darkening liner is a functional need and then, in this particular product, because we have this integrated led strip.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, we're getting to that.
Speaker 2:The daylight. The room darkening liner actually has a reflective material on it, so you don't want to be looking just at the reflective room darkening liner. It's got that functional need.
Speaker 1:Okay, so we've got the shades, but then and this is, I'm sure it's patented this is a brand new and it's really just not out there. So it may be hard to visualize, but there is literally like a light, if you will Keep it simple. There's a light inside the shade header that shines down, so you can literally have the room darkening shade down but yet still feel like you're seeing daylight from outside. Is that right?
Speaker 2:Exactly Yep, and it's just very cool. It's, it's super cool and it's white light, so it's a tunable white, is what we would call that. So, again, it's going to mimic what's going to happen from the sun, so you can kind of create daylight when there is none. So maybe the theater room that you talked about, right, you might want to have like some dimming experience around. Getting that movie going or the bedroom waking up in the winter months is impossible, at least for someone like me.
Speaker 2:It's tough, it's tough to get up when it's dark out it is so you can have a scene set where that light is going to slowly ramp up and create daylight, when the sun hasn't necessarily come out yet.
Speaker 1:So this is like so cool. We talk a lot about lighting here. We actually have lighting designers on staff, we design and control light all the time and tons of projects. But this is unique because imagine, every other light in your house is off, nothing's on. And not only will this illuminate the space so that it feels like natural lights coming in, but, as Maren said, it's tunable so that at three o'clock in the afternoon you've got the blue task, kind of blue white task, lighting. At eight or nine at night it's more of the warm glow getting ready for bed sunset. You know kind of kind of feel to it glow getting ready for bed sunset. You know kind of kind of feel to it. So it not only gives you actual lights you can see, but it mimics what's outside. That's incredible.
Speaker 4:That's right up our alley, that's awesome. That is so cool, that is really cool.
Speaker 1:People are going to love, love that and you said that is out.
Speaker 2:It has launched Yep, so today it's available through a limited distribution, working on bringing it here to the greater Charlotte Mooresville market through Sound Vision. But yes, it is a product that we have launched as of 2023.
Speaker 4:Very cool. That's an awesome.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's awesome andrew could put in some claps, but he's being lazy. Well, this is awesome. So before we let you go, we always do some fun stuff. Before I do that, I've got holly giving me a pointer.
Speaker 3:Hey, yeah, just a few things. I don't remember if we pointed these things out about the power part and the automation that people can actually, you know, operate their shades from their phone.
Speaker 1:Oh good call, yeah, good call.
Speaker 3:You can also operate your shades if you're at the beach on vacation.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 3:Which is another great thing, can you?
Speaker 4:automate them to like go up and down different times of the day, so it looks like somebody's living there.
Speaker 3:Yes, ma'am, you can also set scenes. Okay, you don't ever have to touch your remote or your phone, ever. You can set it up and it will open and close any time of day.
Speaker 1:And also we integrate wonderfully with control for nice nice plug there also being as control for certified showroom, and that's cool to know too, because people integrate with things. They they work with things better. Some people like different things. Some people can do the app and they think that's great. You know, did I forget to leave that up, or do I need to put that down, or whatever? Some people it scares them to death, and so in that case we may do it where time of day, like I was explaining in my bedroom, we never touch it, like dawn is dawn, dusk is dusk, and it just does it. So you can do that either way. As Holly so astutely said, you could do it from home, you can do it from you know, from somewhere else, and it works great, and you can do that standalone hunter douglas has that covered for you or it can integrate with a system. If you have that, very, very cool, awesome. All right, let's have some fun.
Speaker 1:normally, oh I love that, so we asked similar questions. Uh, to everyone. Sue, why don't you take these?
Speaker 4:I would be happy to. I, we're always, we're music people here, as you know so we always want to know what your favorite band, artist or genre is that you listen to Like. What does your Pandora usually have on it?
Speaker 2:I personally have always felt like I have a very eclectic music taste, but if I had to pick my favorite, it's definitely the music of my parents' generation. So you know, I'm a Fleetwood Mac.
Speaker 1:Rolling.
Speaker 2:Stones, that type of gal Like. Put me in the 70s and I would thrive.
Speaker 4:Awesome, that's my era too. That's my era because I'm old enough to be your mother. There you go.
Speaker 1:Do you go to concerts?
Speaker 2:I do go to concerts. I love a concert.
Speaker 1:Good fun concert memory you've had.
Speaker 2:In recent years we've gone to a lot of Billy Strings concerts, so more bluegrass.
Speaker 3:Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:New Age bluegrass. It's a similar following, ironically, to like Fish or the Grateful Dead. It's that type of crowd, but those are really fun and just a lot of jamming.
Speaker 1:Isn't there a big? There's like a huge bluegrass festival, the mountains here, right every year merle fest yeah, that's it actually it just. It just happened a couple weeks ago okay, it's usually april very cool. What about you, holly?
Speaker 3:oh gosh, I can't narrow it down. I love music. I love all genres of music good, throw out some of them um, right now. What I have discovered in the past year or so, which I had never listened to before, are the bgs and abba you've never listened to those before I had never, heard no, I never went back to seven is until the past few years and I absolutely love it I love the bgs I am.
Speaker 3:so that's, I think I'm on that that kick right now that I can't tell you just one artist or one genre, because it's I love classical music, I love string instruments. I might be at the orchestra, you know or a rock concert. I love Bon Jovi.
Speaker 1:So have you seen Bon Jovi?
Speaker 3:No no, I heard he's just got a new record released this morning. I heard that on the way here.
Speaker 1:Oh there's something new released. Yeah, the way here. Oh there's something new released. Yeah, yes, he did so. Latest concert or show or play or anything that you've been to live, do you go?
Speaker 3:to live events occasionally. It's been a long time, been a long time, yeah, lately no, no problem, no problem, very cool.
Speaker 1:Well, bluegrass we got, we got a fleetwood mac and we got bgs today, quite, a variety, never had Quite a variety.
Speaker 4:We have never had Quite a variety, but they're right there together, Right there together.
Speaker 1:I cannot believe you had not heard the Bee Gees. You only had the world's greatest selling album.
Speaker 3:for many many years, but you know how it is. You're like I'm not listening to my parents' decade of music in the 70s, or whatever I'm like oh my gosh, I'm a little older, sue.
Speaker 1:What else do we have?
Speaker 4:Let's see, I was just going to say that If our listeners wanted to learn more about Hunter Douglas or how to get in contact with you all, how would they do that?
Speaker 2:To learn more about Hunter Douglas, I would say reach out to your friends here at Sound Vision. They would be your closest and best resource. And then my name is Maren Galing. I can be found on Instagram, facebook, linkedin, the social medias of the older generations, if you will. And then, of course, you can learn more about Hunter Douglas at HunterDouglascom. Awesome.
Speaker 1:Is the website the best place it? Is it social like instagram or something?
Speaker 2:I would say our instagram for hunter douglas is is the best place to get inspired and to see you know what are we working on behind the scenes.
Speaker 1:View is who we are yeah, I think, and andrew's over here giving us the thumbs up. I think that the the hunter douglas is a perfect product for instagram and and you said that you said the word inspiration, so I know folks are building a home or they're redesigning a home or they're redesigning a space and they want to know what is it going to look like, what's and Instagram is a great way to see that, and you have so many cool products and so many cool pictures on there. I would agree that that's the place to go. Well, this has been super fun. We are very, very excited to have you, we appreciate you taking the time and we love the product, so thanks a lot, thank you.
Speaker 4:Thanks again for coming on, we appreciate it.
Speaker 1:How easy is that.